


烟草业正在为英国新的税收和更高的最低烟草销售年龄做准备。预计该计划将在明天(6月9日)由barnardo’s 前首席执行官javed khan宣布的建议中出现,他受卫生部长的委托将对烟草控制进行独立审查。



【para.1】the age at which people can legally buy tobaccoin england should rise from 18 by a year every year until no one can buy it, and beer gardens and beaches should ban smoking, a radicalgovernment-commissionedreview has recommended in an effort to make smoking obsolete.

【para.2】fifteen interventions are proposed to help meet the government’s target of being smoke-free by 2030. they include promoting vapesas an effective “swap to stop” tool to help people stop smoking, as well as improving prevention in the nhs so smokers are offered support to quit at every interaction they have with health services.

【para.3】other interventions recommended in the report include a tobacco licence for retailers to limit its availability acros
s the country, a rethink of the look of cigarette sticks and packets to further reduce their appeal, and a mass media campaign to encourage smokers to give up. supermarkets should be banned from selling tobacco or cigarettes, the review says.

【para.4】the review calls for an extra £125m a year to be invested in smoke-free policies, with a further £70m a year ringfenced for stop-smoking services. the report adds: “if the government cannot fund this themselves, they should make the polluter pay and either introduce a tobacco industry levy, or generate additional corporation tax, with immediate effect.”

【para.5】almost 6 million people in england smoke, and tobacco remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death.

【para.6】dr javed khan, the former chief executive of the children’s charity barnardo’s, who led the review, said: “without immediate and sustained action, england will miss the smoke-free target by many years and most likely decades.

【para.7】“a smoke-free society should be a social norm – but to achieve this we must do more to stop people taking up smoking, help those who already smoke and support those who are disproportionately impacted by smoking. my holistic set of recommendations for government will deliver this, whilst saving lives, saving money and addressing the health disparities associated with smoking.

【para.8】“my proposals are not just a plan for this government, but successive governments too. to truly achieve a smoke-free society in our great country, we need to commit to making smoking obsolete, once and for all.”

【para.9】the most radical policy being proposed is increasing the legal smoking age by a year each year, to create a smoke-free generation of people in england. it follows a similar policy being announced in new zealand.

【para.10】khan told a media briefing there was a need to stop the tobacco industry “preying on children and young people”, adding that if cigarettes were introduced today they would never be legalised.

【para.11】this view was echoed by england’s chief medical officer, prof sir chris whitty, who said the cigarette industry made its profits from “getting young people addicted to smoking, something that will kill or severely disable many of them”.

【para.12】“the cigarette industry lobbyists will try to make this a debate between health and freedom. it is the most dishonest debate you can possibly imagine. the majority of people who are smokers wish to quit, but cannot because the cigarette industry has addicted them at a very young age. they cannot. that is not freedom of choice. if you’re in favour of freedom, you absolutely are not in favour of this addictive industry that kills so many people.”

【para.13】describing the “sheer, staggering scale of the health harm” caused by tobacco products, whitty said about a quarter of cancer deaths were associated with smoking.

【para.14】grace everest, a policy fellow at the health foundation, welcomed the review but said it would only help create a smoke-free society if the government “chooses to deliver” on its recommendations.

【para.15】“failing to do so would be a major missed opportunity to improve and level up the nation’s health,” she said. “now is the time for bold action.”

【para.16】other recommendations include imprinting individual cigarettes with statements such as “smoking kills” or making them green in colour, a 9pm watershed and 18 rating on any film or tv programme depicting smoking, plus mandatory on-screen health warnings if smoking is shown.

【para.17】smoking should be banned on all premises selling food and drink, with the suggestion of a ban outside cafes, restaurants and pubs. the report also says smoking should be banned “in all outdoor areas where children are present”, for example, public beaches. councils should work to make 70% of council housing new tenancies and new developments smoke-free.

【para.18】sarah woolnough, the chief executive of asthma + lung uk, said the review could be a “blueprint for lasting change” but added: “if these recommendations are ignored, the government’s levelling up ambition and its own smoke-free 2030 target will fail, making it harder for the uk to shake off the title as the worst in western europe for lung health.”

【para.19】jim mcmanus, the president of the association of directors of public health, said the proposals offered “a generational opportunity” to go beyond the target for a smoke-free 2030 and make “a huge difference to the nation’s health”.

【para.20】the recommendations will be considered by ministers and a response will be published as part of the government’s health disparities white paper.


tobacco n. /t??b?k??/ the dried leaves of the tobacco plant that are used for making cigarettes, smoking in a pipe or chewing 烟叶;烟草
the government imposed a ban on tobacco advertising. 政府下令禁止做烟草广告。

radical adj. /?r?d?k?l/ radical people believe that there should be great changes in society and try to bring about these changes. 激进的
…threats by left-wing radical groups to disrupt the proceedings. …左翼激进团体要扰乱这些活动的威胁。

commission v. /k??m???n/ if you commission something or commission someone to do something, you formally arrange for someone to do a piece of work for you. 委托
department of agriculture commissioned a study into organic farming. 农业部委托了一项有机耕作的研究。

obsolete adj. /??bs??li?t/ something that is obsolete is no longer needed because something better has been invented. 被淘汰的
so much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it’s made. 很多设备几乎刚制造出来就过时了。

vape n. /ve?p/ an electronic cigarette is a battery-powered vaporizer which has a similar feel to tobacco smoking. 电子烟
other words that placed in the top 15, included hashtag, vape, ebola and photo bomb. 前15名的单词还包括话题标签、电子烟、埃博拉和抢镜。

【声明】:本文原文摘选自june | the guardian,原文版权归杂志所有,仅供个人学习交流使用。






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