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1.高英课本上下册? 2.星火英语英语专业考研基础英语 3.星火专八真题? 4.星火专八阅读(200篇)? 5.张培基散文一? 6.华研新题型专八翻译 7.顾家北写作? 8.《gre作文100篇·issue篇》


part one
难度同高英期末考试词汇选择题。专八& gre词汇。

part two
前两篇篇长 共占一页,难度大概六级。第三篇篇长共一页多两三行,难度专八。第四篇表格定位题,难度四级。

part three
? ? ? 你知道白蚁之害吗? 一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板壁板,都会蛀蚀一空。一般的房屋受了严重的蚁害,有的还会突然倒塌下来,伤人性命。电杆被白蚁蛀蚀,一般两三年就要换一次。船只有了白蚁,轻的会将货物蛀烂,重的会使般沉没。铁路枕木如果受白蚁侵蚀,火车就会有出轨的危险。白蚁这种害虫,实在是相当可恶的。
? ? ? 在我们的社会里,则有另一种“白蚁”。前些日子报;载吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇利用职权,大慷国家之慨,吃喝玩乐,请客送礼,浪费惊人,不也是一种“白蚁”之害吗?
★英译汉25分:bullard and his dog
(小说 散文类,原文如下)
? ? ? two old men sat on a park bench one morning in the sunshine of tampa, florida, one trying to reada book he was plainly enjoying while the other harold k. bullard told him the story of his life in the full, round, head tones of a public address system. at their feet lay bullards labrador retriever, who further tormented the aged listener by probing hisankles with a large, wet nose. bullard, who had been, before he retired, successful in many fields,enjoyed reviewing his important past. but he faced the problem that complicates the lives of cannibals,namely: that a single victim cannot be used over and over. anyone who had passed the time of day with him and his dog refused to share a bench with them again. so bullard and his dog set out through the park each day in quest of new faces. they had a good luck this morning, for they had found this stranger right away, clearly a new arrival in florida,still buttonedup tight in heavy stiff collar and necktie,and with nothing to do better than read.

part four
? ? ? a friend who lives abroad will shortly be visiting your university and has asked you to make arrangements for his/her stay.
? ? ? write a passage informing him/her of what you have done.
? ? ? truth is more of a stranger than fiction——marktwain
? ? ? the quotation stresses the elusive nature of the truth.self-knowledge is a personal type of truth that, for some, is a known. for others, it is as elusive as the“ stranger”in twain quote.
? ? ? do we need to be faced with hard choices in order to find the truth about who we are?

part one
part two
part three
汉译英 自我感觉翻的还行,但是花的时间太长了;英译汉看了两遍有一段没咋看懂,琢磨了半天才翻完了。两篇下来花了太长时间导致作文写的很仓促!
part four

?三刷时 很多单词还是记不住,因为一篇文章太多太多生词了,这次又专门整了几个本,把重要的常见单词边记边写,好记性不如烂笔头,我还不信记不住了,到最后数了一下写了九个算数本,每次吃饭回来就是快速刷一遍,下自习前再一遍。
?五刷 考前半个月,每天一套做题,以前只是分析句子记单词了,这次做题,分析答案套路。考前第三天把所有做错的题的错点扫了一遍。
2.翻译:三四月份看了 语法和长难句网课。阅读一刷后,看了武峰翻译十二天,看前自己先翻译,完了看他讲的,持续了半个月完成了,又花了三四天重头到尾做了总结。我翻译这项大部分其实在阅读环节中完成训练了。其他像散文108篇,华研专八翻译…等,总共下来练了不超过十篇。考前一星期复习了大三下学期的翻译课做的笔记。
平时阅读积累了大量的素材,尤其是单词的同义替换,记了大概十几页,这些可 我大忙,在答语言学大题时,脑子里都是自己积累这些单词。考前写了作文模板:书信各种类型的;图标类的(因为某一年考过一次);大作文记了三个万能名人事迹。为了保证我的模板不被“模板化”,没让任何人看过。
4.词汇:没有词汇书,个人不提倡脱离文章语境记。主要就是背专八阅读提高词汇量。对了,我还复习了高英学过的课文的词汇,当时花了也是快一个月了吧 。

一刷:大三下学期结束前四套卷从头到尾把不认识的单词全查了,一套卷下来花费一个星期,弄懂每一句话每个词,每道题,词汇题关注来源(专八 & gre & 高英课文词汇[这就是我为啥要复习高英]),阅读关注来源及出题套路,翻译关注来源,写作关注话题及题型(书信图表论述)。


all in all, 英语我就是这麽学的,把阅读,翻译,作文,单词,四合一,所以很多人认为我效率低。不见得我的就是最科学管用的,每个人都有自己的学习方法,只要自己能学好就行。如果你有更好的方法请坚持,如果不知该如何做,可以参考我的经验。

?? ? 第一段:引话题:in our contemporary? society,? the standpoint of______has been thrust into the limelight.解释:simple as the remark proves, it involves a hidden wisdom. the thought-provoking? saying subtly mirrors the fact that ______ (谚语的含义). in a nutshell, it possesses a profound significance? and worth not only in our occupation but also in our study life.?
? ? 第二段:such impressive cases, from my perspective,? are not unfamiliar? in the? general routine of everyday living, yet the following one keeps? definitely prime. a case in point is ma yun。例子?解释。consequently, it seems universally acknowledged that it is highly crucial? to practice– ______(谚语)。
? ?第三段: under no circumstances? can we fail to pour attention into the essentiality? of the fact that–谚语。for one thing,_______ (方法/建议一). for another, it looks necessary for ___to______ (方法/建议二). only by taking these actions can individuals earn a more? brilliant and glorious? tomorrow.

 the most visible? success story of jack ma, the founder of chinas online trading? empire?–alibaba, best illustrates the importance of _____??可选项:innovation in realizing personal ambition and creating value for the economic development and the advance of society.? ??。

1.mass media are? expected to exhibit the positive energy of society, guide the public to build up correct? consciousness? of ____and take shape a sound social atmosphere?.
the mass media should expose the unhealthy phenomena of society and criticize improper acts such as illegal and criminal? activities.
2. government? is supposed to make people fully realize the seriousness of _____through education 。furthermore, much more efforts should be made to put the policy of_____ into practice. in addition, government? should encourage to_______。?
3.the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of _____.its sharply urgent and necessary to deal with if every member is willing to contribute himself to the society.
4.parents are the first teachers of their children. they ought to pay more attention to their behaviors and set a positive image for their children.

论说类/观点阐述 作文模板
? ? 第一段: 引话题:in our contemporary society, the standpoint of______has been thrust into the limelight.我认为: i cling to the perspective that_____。
? ? 第二段:举例或原因分析。
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?原因可以这麽写:
? ? it is superficially a simple phenomenon, but when subjected to analysis, it has its fundamental reasons. to begin with,_____。 in addition,______。 in the end,_____。
? ? 第三段:问题解决?

? ? 第一段:it seems universally acknowledged that________[引出图表内容]。simply as the cartoon looks, the hidden wisdom behind subtly mirrors the fact that —[写出中心]。
? ? 第二段:万能马云。
? ? 第三段:问题解决。


?[termite] 等翅目的一种像蚂蚁的昆虫,群居,取食木材,对森林、建筑、桥梁等为害极大
?white ants

?害: harm; harmfulness; destruction, destructiveness, destructivity

the destructiveness of termites
termites are destructive
the destructive termites

?译文: do you know how destructive termites are?
?do you know termites are destructive?
?have you heard of destruction by termites?

?大厦: edifice, high-rise, mansion, tall building
?有了白蚁: 这里似乎有“白蚁泛滥成灾”或“闹蚁灾”的意思, be infested with ,be rampant with?
?防治: prevent and control; check
?(如果)不加防治: 加以: 对……进行(无需翻译)
?不到: less than; fewer than; with ten years

?地板: wooden floor
?壁板: wall paneling
?蛀蚀: bore, worm-eaten; moth-eaten; eat away, damage
?一空: 一点不剩nothing is left; …to nothing ; with nothing left; eat away all…
if a tall building were infested with termites and nothing were done to prevent and control them, the entire wooden floor and wall paneling inside it would have been eaten away in less than ten years.?

?受了……害: be infested with; be affected by; suffer (severe damage) from; termite-ridden(充满……的), be invaded by
?一般的房屋(如果)受了严重的蚁害: 此句为条件关系. ordinary houses
?另外可以把“有的”与“一般的房屋”合起来,变成“some of the ordinary houses might collapse if heavily damaged by termites.
“会”字的翻译: will, would, can, could, may, might
?倒塌: collapse, topple, crumble
?伤了性命: cause death; cause a loss of life
?1. if seriously damaged, some houses of the ordinary kind might topple, causing deaths.?
?2. if ordinary houses suffered from termite attack, some would collapse, killing people inside.?
? 3. some of the ordinary houses damaged by termites might collapse, causing casualties.

?电杆: wire pole,不能译成electric pole(带电的杆子)
?一般: usually; as a rule ; ordinary; common; generally speaking;
?更换: substitute; replace
?1.generally speaking, termite-eaten wire poles ought to be replaced every two or three years. ?2.wire poles would have to be replaced at two or three years’ interval due to damage by termites.?

?此句可以理解为:如果白蚁在船上轻微泛滥, 货物会被蛀烂, 如果严重泛滥, 会使船沉没.
?(1.) if slightly damaged by termite eating, goods
on a boat might decay; if heavily damaged, the boat might sink.
?(2.) minor damage to a boat by termites would very likely ruin the freight on board while severe destruction might well lead to the sinking of the boat.

?枕木: sleeper, crossties
?出轨:be derailed, run off the track, go off the rail
1.if railway sleepers were eaten away by termites, trains would be in danger of running off the track.
2.trains running on termite-eaten sleepers are running the risk of going off the rails.
3. termite-eaten sleepers would derail trains.

?可恶:abhorrent;abominable;loathsome; disgusting
?1.how disgusting pests like termites are!
?2.what disgusting pests termites are!
?3.such pests as termites are really disgusting!

在我们的社会里, 则有另一种“白蚁”。
?1. there is another kind of “termites” in our society.
?2. “termites” of a different kind can also be found in our society.

?前些日子:即最近、近来a few days ago, the other day, lately, recently
?报载:it was reported on the newspaper that; according to a newspaper; according to a press report?

?外贸局:foreign trade bureau
?吉林省外贸局: jilin foreign trade bureau
?副局长:vice-director; deputy chief
?吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇:wang zhenyu, former(因已经下台)deputy director of jilin foreign trade bureau
?利用:use; utilize; employ; exploit; take advantage of; (滥用)abuse
?职权:power; authority
?慷慨:大量给予,这里是反话,大量使用,挥霍spend/expend wastefully; squander ?(慷慨:滥用职权的具体表现,所以使用abuse his power by squandering 的结构更好)
?国家:government, state
?大慷国家之慨:expend money at the expense of the state; squander large amounts of government money …
?吃喝玩乐:wining, dining and other pleasure-seeking
?请客:entertain guests; g ive a dinner party; invite… to dinner; treat
?送礼: present / give … gift or present

英译汉:百度翻译>bullard and his dog

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