



例如考研英语里面的parta 阅读理解应该是所有同学和老师最为熟悉的题型,但这种熟悉并没有转化为对题目的驾轻就熟。parta依然是考研英语中难度最大,让同学最为纠结的试题,出现这种状况的根本原因依然要归结于一直以来英语专业背景老师狭隘学习思维的误导。这种误导产生的根源在于专业本身的天然属性。语言是一门对系统思考要求极浅的科目,这种极浅的思考属性决定了这个领域中人的思维更容易停留在浅层次的感性认识上,这与真正的学习是背道而驰的。这种误导在考研辅导领域尤其盛之。考研昰教育辅导中最具市场化的领域,视觉和听觉的表象比单调严肃的理性思维启迪更能忽悠考生。正是因为学习思维上狭隘性,90%以上的英语辅导老师除了引导学生从文章理解的方式去分析答案的应试路径外,别无地法。这是英语辅导中最懒惰,最愚蠢,最不切实际的方法。懒惰是因为,对着答案,从文章理解的方式去分析答案对于一名略有英语基础、且可以借助词典的老师来说是最不需要额外脑力耗费的;愚蠢是因为,从理解文意的方向去答题,只要不是傻子都知道这个思路,问题是大多数考生在考场上根本不能完全读懂文章;不切实际则是因为,在考试的时候,90%以上的同学根本不可能像他们在辅导课程上一样在实际考场上做题时能清晰地读懂文章中全部的解题要点。因为《考试大纲》明确要求阅读文章有3%的超纲单词,一遍文章近500个单词,超纲单词就约15个,这些超纲单词来自于《考试大纲》以外处浩瀚无际的词海中,能认识是运气,不认识才是正常。考研考生长期被这种低水平的应试思维所误导,没有突破性的成绩增长自是必然之结果。

研究生入学招生考试作为最高层次的全国性升学考试,为了保证考试的公平性,考研英语阅读试题的选材首先必须保证不具有明显的专业化倾向,同时又要照顾到信息闭塞的落后地区考生,这就使得考研英语阅读文章的选材绝对不会出现大家完全陌生的话题,一定是让绝大多数同学有所了解但又不会是十分熟悉的中性内容。其次,作为国家最高层次的学历考试,文章主题一定要具备较强的社会意义才能与其考试地位相匹配,一些狭隘、平庸、消极的话题是不可能成为考研阅读文章的主题的。最后,选材必须满足考试大纲的基本要求。在各种体裁的文章中,能最大限度满足考试大纲要求的唯有议论文。因此,其他只能用说明文、记叙文、散文等体裁写作的主题是不会成为考研文章主题的。这三条结论,看似简单且与题目的分析毫无关系,但真正把握其内涵,可以 助我们在一瞬间搞定大部分难题。真正的考研人,从来都是用最简单的招式化解复杂的难题。由于篇幅所限,本处只拿一篇真题举例。


the concept of man versus machineis at least as old as the industrial revolution, but this phenomenon tends tobe most acutely felt during economic downturns and fragile recoveries. and yet,it would be a mistake to think we are right now simply experi
encing the painfulside of a boom and bust cycle. certain jobs have gone away for eating up humanjobs, this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we can’timmediately foresee.

when there is exponential improvement in theprice and performance of technology, jobs that were once thought to be immunefrom automation suddenly become threatened. this argument has attracted a lotof attention, via the success of the book race against the machine, byerik brynjolfsson and andrew mcafee, whoboth hail from mit’s center for digital business.

this is a powerful argument, and a scaryone. and yet, john hagel, auther of the power of pull and other books, saysbrynjolfsson and mcafee miss the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable totechnology in the first place.

hagel says we have designed jobs in the u.s.that tend to be “tightly ed” and “highly standardized” ones that leave noroom for “individual initiative or creativity.” in short, these are the typesof jobs that machines can perform much better at than human beings. that is howwe have put a giant target sign on the backs of american workers, hagel says.

it’s time to reinvent the formula for howwork is conducted, since we are still relying on a very 20th centurynotion of work, hagel says. in our rapidly changing economy, we more than everneed people in the workplace who can take initiative and exercise theirimagination “to respond to unexpected events.” that’s not something machinesare good at. they are designed to perform very predictable activities.

as hagel notes, brynjolfsson and mcafeeindeed touched on this point in their book. we need to reframe race against themachine as race with the machine. in our works, we need to look at the ways inwhich machines can augment human labor rather than replace it. so then theproblem is not really about technology, but rather, “how do we innovate ourinstitutions and our work practices?”

31. according to the first paragraph, economic downturns would

[a] easethe competition of man vs. machine

[b] highlight machines’ threat to human jobs

[c] provoke a painful technological revolution

[d] outmode our current economic structure

【应试解析】 b

通读题干,确定该文是关于(economic 经济)的文章,(downturns,down表示向下,turn表示翻转,那么downturns表示向下翻转,衰退的意思)。阅读理解即对中心的理解,命题人在设置正解干扰项时,优先选择围绕中心设置干扰项,围绕中心设置的干扰项一定比不围绕中心设置的干扰项更具有干扰性,同理可得,选项中共性最多的大概率即是文章中心,即也大概率是正解或是正解干扰项。通读选项,a选项的中心是(man vs. machine 人vs机器),b选项的中心是(machines’ threat to human jobs 机器对人类工作的威胁),c选项的中心是(technological revolution 技术革命),d选项的中心是(economic structure 经济结构),ab选项交集最大,中心类似,都说的是人与机器的事情,cd选项的中心各是不同的主题,偏离中心的选项一定不是正解,所以优先排除cd选项。a选项是(ease 缓解)人与机器的竞争,b选项是(highlight 强调,突出)了机器对人类工作的威胁,ab选项含义相对,正解必在其中。将ab选项代入题干,a代入,经济衰退缓解了人与机器的竞争,b代入,经济衰退突出了机器对人类工作的威胁。a选项代入明显逻辑错误,经济衰退只会加强人与机器的竞争,而不是缓解。b选项代入逻辑通顺,该题选b。回到文中检验,定位到第一段中(the concept of man versus machineis at least as old as the industrial revolution, but this phenomenon tends tobe most acutely felt during economic downturns and fragile recoveries.),对象是人和机器,排除cd。文章中提到(certain jobs have gone away for eating up humanjobs),是在说经济衰退导致机器对人类一些工作不好的影响,该题选b。

32. theauthors of race against the machine argue that

[a] technology is diminishing man’s job opportunities

[b] automation is accelerating technological development

[c] certain jobs will remain intact after automation

[d] man will finally win the race against machine

【应试解析】 a

通读题干,题干中(race against the machine),再次反映了该文中心是人与机器。通读选项,a选项(technology is diminishing man’s job opportunities 技术正在减少人类的工作机会),中心是人与机器;b选项中心是(automation 自动化),没有涉及人,排除b选项;c选项(certain jobs will remain intact after automation某些人类工作在自动化中仍然不受影响),中心是人与自动化,即人与机器;d选项(man will finally win the race against machine人类终将赢得人与机器的竞争),中心同样是人与机器,答案锁定在acd之中。ac含义相对,答案进一步锁定在ac之中。a选项是机器减少了人的工作,b选项是机器对人的工作没有影响。通过第一题可得知该文是在说机器对人不好的影响,该题选a。回到文中检验,定位到第二段中(when there is exponential improvement in theprice and performance of technology, jobs that were once thought to be immunefrom automation suddenly become threatened.),对象是人和机器,讲的是机器对人类工作的威胁,该题选a。

33. hagelargues that jobs in the u.s. are often

[a] performed by innovative minds

[b] ed with an individual style

[c] standardized without a clear target

[d] designed against human creativity

【应试解析】 d

通读题干,题干主语是(jobs in the u.s. are often 在美国的工作经常是)。考研文章选自西方主流杂志,杂志中的主流核心思想即对西方社会的批判,批判的本质是促进国家社会进步,即选项中积极的和过于消极的都不是正解,批判的才是正解。通读选项,a选项(performed by innovative minds 由创新的思维主导),表示积极,排除;b选项(ed with an individual style 个性化定制),表示积极,排除;c选项(standardized without a clear target 标准化没有一个清晰的目标),美国作为发达国家,标准化运营处于世界前列,怎么会连目标都(often 经常)不清晰,过于消极,排除;d选项(designed against human creativity 设计得背离人的创造力),(creativity 创造力)是西方主流社会经常批判的,一个抽象的一种东西,是发达国家最看重的人文情怀,该题选d。回到文中检验,定位到文中第四段(hagel says we have designed jobs in the u.s. that tend to be “tightly ed” and “highly standardized” ones that leave no room for “individual initiative or creativity.”),表示在美国的工作经常是给创造力(leave no room 没有留空间),该题选d。

34. according to the last paragraph, brynjolfsson and mcafee discussed

[a] the predictability of machine behavior in practice

[b] the formula for how work is conducted efficiently

[c] the ways machines replace human labor in modern times

[d] the necessity of human involvement in the workplace

【应试解析】 d

通读选项,a的中心是(the predictability of machine behavior 机器行为的预测),缺少文章中心人与机器中人的部分,排除;b的中心是(how work is conducted efficiently 怎样工作有效率),讲的是人与机器的协作,而通过前面几题我们已经得知该文讲的是人与机器的竞争,排除;c的中心是(the ways machines replace human labor 机器取代人类的方式),d的中心是(the necessity of human involvement in the workplace 人类参与工作场所的必要性);cd含义相对,c是说机器可以取代人,d是说人不可被机器取代,正解必在其中。c选项明显过于消极,d选项更符合社会主流价值观所向,该题选d。回到文中检验,定位到文中最后一段(in our works, we need to look at the ways inwhich machines can augment human labor rather than replace it.),明显表示机器应该是 助人而不是取代人,该题选d。

35. whichof the following could be the most appropriate title for text?

[a] how toinnovate our work practices

[b] machineswill replace human labor

[c] can we win the race against machines?

[d] economicdownturns stimulate innovations

【应试解析】 c

通读选项,只有bc选项涉及中心人与机器。b选项(machines will replace human labor 机器将会取代人),过于消极,排除;c选项(can we win the race against machines ? 我们能赢得人与机器的竞争吗?),是疑问句且内容弹性,作为标题再适合不过了,该题选c。最后整体检验,31题到35题的正解分别是baddc,满足正解的分布规律。因为考研作为国家性考试,高度体现公平性和科学性,例如在考研英语阅读中,正解abcd四个选项基本上是以各25%的概率出现,在一篇英语阅读中,同一个正解选项大概率不会出现3次以上,基本上是以abcdx或是xxyyz的形式出现,其中以abcdx的形式最为常见,这就是正解的分布规律。



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