
   “每日一练”进行中!为了更好地 助大家夯实基础, 近期向考生推出mpacc英语词汇自测习题及详细解析。
  1.an ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of____.
  a) urgency b) danger c) emergency d) crisis
  答案:c emergency 紧急情况。urgency 紧急,急迫(注:emergency 表示“紧急情况”,urgency 表示“紧迫性”) 。danger 危险。crisis 危机;关键时刻。
  2.this bird’s large wings____ it to fly very fast.
  a) make b) cause c) ensure d) enable
  答案:d enable sb. to do 使能够。make sb. do使,使得。cause sb. to do 使得(某人做某事) ,引起,使产生。ensure 保证,担保(不能与to 连用)。
  3.when replying to this advertisement, please_____ a stamped ,self-addressed envelope.
  a) contain b) enclose c) hold d) introduce
  答案:b enclose 封入,附寄。contain 包容,容纳,常指一个大容器里面容纳着许多小物体。hold 用作及物动词时,也可表示“包含,收容,容纳”。introduce 介绍。
  4.if a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of_____.
  a) assurance b) persuasion c)encouragement d)confirmation 答案:c encouragement 鼓励。assurance 保证;自信。persuasion 说服,劝说。confirmation 证实

  5.humidity is so intense in some parts of the tropics that europeans find they are unable to _____ it.
  a) maintain b) persist c)sustain d)endure
  答案:d endure 忍受,容忍。maintain 保持,维持。persist (in) 坚持。sustain 支撑,承受( 重量) ;经受。

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